2016 Research Excellence Award Recipient

This award is presented to an APEGA member or permit holder that has conducted research in engineering or geoscience that has improved the lives of Albertans.

Jacques Georgy, P.Eng., PhD

Jacques Georgy, P.Eng., PhD

Portable navigation using devices such as smartphones and wearables has improved with technology; however, its unreliable accuracy in different environments still puts constraints on the device or user. In particular, navigating using global navigation satellite systems, such as GPS, is accurate in an open-sky, outdoor scenario, but accuracy can suffer in downtown, indoor, and underground environments.

Dr. Jacques Georgy, P.Eng., is changing that. As Director of Navigation Research and Development at leading sensor technology company InvenSense, he has developed a system that enables a continuous, accurate, portable navigation experience.

The system works by using sensors integrated with other systems to provide a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor environments. These sensors are self-contained, provide continuous information, require minimal power consumption, and are small and inexpensive to produce.

His research also accounts for the type of motion, such as walking, running, cycling, or driving, and he has developed algorithms to enable precise navigation for each circumstance.

Dr. Georgy’s work contributes to Alberta’s leadership in technological innovation, and his efforts have resulted in two issued patents and 32 patents pending. He has published more than 80 papers and co-authored a book on his work.

His navigation technology is now being incorporated into commercial devices and is available in many smartphones on the market today.