Candidate for President-Elect: Dean Mullin, P.Eng.

Dean Mullin

Candidate Overview

  • Consulting industry executive with 30 years of experience as a practising structural engineer, business owner, manager, and leader.
  • APEGA Council 2022–2025. Experienced director of for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.
  • Volunteered with APEGA’s Outreach Program, Honours and Awards Committee, Discipline Committee, and with APEGNB‘s Admissions Committee. Received the 2002 APEGA Summit Award for Early Accomplishment.

Personal Statement

As APEGA enters a period of regulatory-driven change, my skills, knowledge, and leadership experience will bring a valuable perspective to council. Nearing completion of my first term on council, I reflect on APEGA’s drive for continuous improvement and excellence. As we move forward with a new RCEO and an expected legislative change, we will continue to evolve and grow as a regulator.

As the executive responsible for post-merger integration at Stantec, I support people and teams as they adapt and change. Effects are felt both incrementally and cumulatively on people, systems, and organizations.

As a leader of significant change in organizations, I bring a unique perspective to APEGA. I understand the boundaries and interplay between governance and management functions. I am constantly exposed to the impacts of workplace change on employee morale and motivation. My experience with systems, organizational design, and finance is broad, as every acquired company is unique. People impacted by change are most important of all though. I often work one-on-one with employees who are struggling. Hearing their concerns, with empathy and openness, is the most important trait of all.

Candidate Resume

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Get to Know the Candidate in Four Questions

What does self-regulation mean to you as a member of APEGA? 

As an APEGA member, self-regulation is an emblem of public trust. Members are both honour- and duty-bound to ensure that our work serves the public interest. In practice, that means giving our mentorship, support, and guidance to colleagues. To me, this also implies a duty of service to the association since admissions, education, recognition, and effective discipline are key to maintaining the public trust and the privilege of self-governance.

What would you bring to Council?

I bring a depth of experience as a practising professional engineer and APEGA councillor, combined with a strong practical background in governance, leadership, and management. I very much enjoy working with diverse teams, especially when grappling with complex issues where every team member brings a unique perspective. I communicate honestly and delight in alternative points of view.

As the regulator of engineering and geoscience, what challenges does APEGA face?

As a dual-mandate regulator, APEGA must always balance the tension between advocacy for the profession and protection of the public. We must also earn and maintain the public trust as we discharge our responsibilities though our registrants.

What is the value of a professional licence with APEGA?

A professional licence with APEGA signifies and is uniformly recognized as a guarantee. The work of a licensed professional is presumed to be that of an expert, delivered ethically and with professionalism. The licence signals that the work and the practitioner are inherently trustworthy.

Video Statement