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How to prevent vehicle theft

Reports show that a car is stolen approximately every 6 minutes in Canada. Modern built-in security systems have made auto theft more challenging yet cost Canadians more than a billion dollars a year. As auto theft rates increase exponentially in the GTA, we compiled a list of tips to prevent your car from being stolen! 

Lock your doors and roll up your windows 

Don’t make your vehicle an easy target! No matter how safe your neighbourhood may be, the risk is still there. Ensure you always lock your doors and keep your windows closed when you are not in the vehicle.

Don’t leave your keys or car running unattended

You may think that you are only leaving your car for a quick moment, but thieves are quick. Leaving your keys in the ignition makes you an easy target. Avoid leaving spare car keys in the glovebox as thieves often check it for valuables.

Take advantage of additional security features

Car alarms a good, but thieves know how to work their way around them. Additional security features lower your risk of having your car stolen. Consider using a steering wheel lock, as it makes it impossible to drive a car away. Lug nuts are inexpensive and make it challenging to remove and steal tires and rims.

Hide your valuables

Not every thief is looking to steal your car; rather, they want what’s inside it. If you have any valuables in your car, make sure you place them in the trunk. You may even want to invest in a trunk cover if your window exposes your items. If you have a dash cam, you should always remove it before you exit the vehicle. Avoid leaving loose change in visible areas. Things you may not consider valuable, such as sunglasses or gloves, may be to a thief interested in them.

Park in a safe area

Whenever possible, park your vehicle in a garage. If you must park on the street, try to park in a well-lit area with foot traffic. When parking in an unfamiliar neighbourhood, it may be best to park in a populated parking lot where there is an attendant or security cameras.

Invest in home security cameras

If you park in your driveway, you may want to consider purchasing an exterior home security camera. Cameras are a great way to make your vehicle a less appealing target for thieves.  Ensure the camera has a clear view of the car and that it can be easily seen from the street. Although many inexpensive models on the market are great, it may be worthwhile to purchase one that has motion-activated floodlights.

Keep your keys away from doors and windows

Keeping your car keys near your front door may be convenient, but it may help thieves steal your car. Vehicles that use a key fob activated starter are vulnerable to having the signal from their key fob emulated by sophisticated car thieves.

Get the right insurance coverage

Review your auto insurance policy to ensure you have the right coverage. For example, a reimbursement of the replacement vehicle costs can help you get through the time it takes to process your claim. 

Remember that your automobile insurance policy doesn’t cover items that you are carrying, such as portable computers, mobile phones, purses, equipment (e.g. GPS) or sports equipment. To protect these items at all times, be sure to have a complete  home insurance policy.

This article is being provided by APEGA on behalf of The Personal which has a group sponsorship agreement with regards to home and auto insurance for our members.

The Personal refers to The Personal General Insurance Inc. in Quebec and The Personal Insurance Company in all other provinces and territories of Canada.The information and advice in this article are provided for informational purposes only. The Personal shall not be liable for any damages arising from any reliance upon such information or advice. The Personal recommends using caution and consulting an expert for comprehensive, expert advice.

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