Women in APEGA Advisory Group

APEGA created the Women in APEGA Working Group in 2011. This group was then replaced with the Women in APEGA Advisory Group in 2017 to make recommendations to APEGA on increasing the representation of women in the engineering and geoscience professions to 30 per cent by 2030 (known as the 30-by-30 initiative).

Additionally, the Women in APEGA Advisory Group will make recommendations on supporting the engagement and retention of women in engineering and geoscience to ensure the inclusivity and sustainability of the professions.

Advisory Group Members

The Women in APEGA Advisory Group comprises representatives from across the province who work in academia and industry. This dedicated group meets regularly to assess APEGA's diversity initiatives and discuss other organizations' successful strategies.

Meet the current members of the advisory group

Recent Initiatives

The valuable recommendations from these subject matter experts have contributed to APEGA by:

  • creating and publicizing a formal diversity statement to inspire permit holders and members to champion diversity and inclusion in their workplace:

    Encourage a business culture of belonging, inclusion, and diversity for equity within the engineering and geoscience professions.

  • developing the 30-by-30 strategic plan and advising on annual operational plans
  • advising on strategies and tactics necessary for the successful completion of APEGA’s three-year grant project, funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada
  • developing Managing Transitions: Before, During and After Leave, which is now a national document jointly published and managed by Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada
  • integrating diversity best practices in Outreach volunteer recruitment and selection processes (e.g., strive for a 1:1 male-female representation of APEGA members at events)
  • advertising and supporting the efforts of external organizations that share our passion and vision for diversity

In addition to the above, APEGA actively participates on Engineers Canada's 30 by 30 Committee, collaborating on strategies and sharing recommendations from an Albertan perspective.

Get Involved

The following suggestions are ways that you can get involved and support APEGA's goal of creating an inclusively sustainable workforce.


APEGA is proud to collaborate with numerous STEM organizations and regulators across the country to encourage inclusion. Check out our list of diversity and inclusion resources, many developed by Canadian or Albertan organizations.

Find equity, diversity, and inclusion resources

30 by 30 trademark used under licence from Engineers Canada/Ingénieurs Canada.