Boards & Committees

APEGA has committees and boards to assist in governance and operations.

Council Committees

Council committees are created by Council to assist Council in governing APEGA.

  • The Audit Committee assists Council with its oversight responsibility. The Committee monitors the financial health of APEGA and helps mitigate risk.

    The Audit Committee has a minimum of six positions that includes:

    • one public member with accredited financial training and/or relevant financial professional experience; if no public member is available, an expert will be consulted, as required
    • at least three Council members with financial literacy through accredited training and/or relevant professional experience
    • non-voting staff advisors, appointed by the Registrar & CEO; unless directed otherwise by the Registrar & CEO, this will be the Chief Financial & Corporate Officer (CFCO)


    • Review quarterly financial statements
    • Review annual financial statements, pensions, and investments
    • Review and make recommendations on:
      • risk management activities
      • internal control policies and practices
    • Review and recommend to Council the annual budget
    • Work with the external auditor and discuss recommendations with APEGA management
  • The Executive Committee provides organizational leadership between Council meetings at the principal level. Council is solely responsible for governing the affairs of APEGA’s membership in keeping with the expectation of its stakeholders.

    The Committee has five positions:

    • President
    • President-Elect
    • Vice-President
    • Past-President
    • Chief Executive Officer (ex officio member)


    • Set Council agenda
    • Track Council priorities
    • Invite up to two councillors to attend Executive Committee meetings
    • Evaluate the Registrar & CEO’s performance
    • Confirm Council committee chairs and members 
    • Act on behalf of Council between Council meetings (only during rare circumstances)
  • The Governance Committee advises Council on governance of APEGA, including the effectiveness of Council and Council’s policies.

    The Committee has six positions:

    • President
    • Past-President
    • Three Council members, one of which must be a public member


    • Assess APEGA’s governance needs.
    • Monitor Council’s governing effectiveness.
    • Ensure Council policies are relevant.
    • Provide coaching and guidance to Council on governance practices.
    • Familiarize new councillors with their duties.
    • Give policy and governance recommendations to the registrar & CEO.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of Council and councillors.
    • Determine the compensation for the registrar & CEO and president.

Nominating Committee

The role of the Nominating Committee is to oversee the recruitment process for Council nominees, and to assess and recommend the most suitable candidates to put forward for APEGA's annual Council election.

  • As part of the APEGA Council election, the Nominating Committee is responsible for ensuring that the knowledge, skills, and attributes of Council election candidates have been assessed through a transparent, formal, and structured process.

    The committee has between five and seven members:

    • three to five professional members or licensees of APEGA
    • one to three lay members from the general public

    Committee members should demonstrate an acute understanding of APEGA’s role as a self-regulating body; have experience identifying, selecting, and evaluating nominees; and show a commitment to the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion.


    • Review and understand the competencies needed for Council as a whole
    • Conduct a gap analysis to determine priorities for candidate skills and experience
    • Oversee the process of receiving nominations from the membership at large
    • Ensure candidates running for Council are qualified
    • Assess nominees using a structured competency-based approach
    • Identify candidates to appear on the election ballot

    Nominating Committee Roster

    APEGA’s Nominating Committee is made up of seven people: four professional members and three lay members. An asterisk (*) indicates a two-year term appointment.

    Professional Members

    • RaeAnne Leach, P.Eng., PMP, FEC, FGC (Hon.) (chair)*
    • George Eynon, P.Geo., FGC, FEC (Hon.), ICD.D
    • Lisa Doig, P.Eng., MBA, FEC, FGC (Hon.)*
    • Darren Hardy, P.Eng.*

    Lay Members

    • Len Polsky, B. Comm., LL.B., B.C.L.
    • Shannon Neighbour
    • Karen Marner, BA, CPHR, SPHRi, SHRM-SCP, PI*

Statutory Committees & Boards

Statutory committees and boards are required by the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act. They help APEGA ensure that the practices of engineering and geoscience in Alberta are upheld to the highest level with public safety as the top concern.

Statutory Committees

  • The Discipline Committee hears and decides on complaints of unskilled practice and unprofessional conduct against APEGA members and permit holders that are brought before it by the Investigative Committee.

    The Committee has a minimum of 10 APEGA members, which includes 1 public member.


    • Adjudicate on allegations of unskilled practice and unprofessional conduct.
    • Publish the results of discipline cases to deter future infractions and to educate the membership. 
    • Maintain accurate and thorough records of discipline cases to guide committee members in assessing sanctions. 
  • The Investigative Committee investigates complaints against APEGA members received by the registrar & CEO as per the  Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act

    The committee has APEGA members and at least one public member.


    • Investigate allegations of unskilled practice of the professions or unprofessional conduct by members.
    • Authorize investigations into projects or matters believed to be of major consequence to the general welfare of the public.

Statutory Boards

  • The Appeal Board reviews decisions and actions by the Discipline Committee, Practice Review Board, Investigative Committee, and Board of Examiners. 

    The board has a minimum of six members and one public member.   


  • The Board of Examiners establishes admission standards for the engineering and geoscience professions and considers the qualifications of applications against those standards.

    The Board has around 150 members, which includes three public members appointed by the Minister of Labour.


    • Develop standards, policies, and procedures that meet the intent of the Act in all areas of registration.
    • Review all applications for membership in APEGA and approve, defer, or refuse each application after considering whether they meet the requirements of the Act.
    • Develop and maintain syllabi of exams for engineering and geoscience.
  • The Practice Review Board is one of APEGA’s statutory boards. The board is primarily responsible for the following:

    • Developing and maintaining professional practice standards, guidelines, and bulletins.
    • Evaluating the professional practice and competence of professional members, licensees, permit holders, and certificate holders against the  practice standards and guidelines, which includes practice review of permit holders and individual licensees.
    • Administering and enforcing the  Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program of the APEGA Council.

    The Practice Review Board works together to determine whether a member being assessed or undergoing a  Practice Review may continue to practice engineering or geoscience, by assessing their competence based on a number of criteria. The Practice Review Board consists of:

    • at least four professional members from a variety of knowledge and experience backgrounds
    • one member of the public, nominated by the Council and appointed by the government