1992: Barry Lester, P.Eng., FCAE, FEC, FGC (Hon.)

Born in England, raised and educated in Calgary, Barry Lester completed his bachelor of science in civil engineering (1969) and master of science in civil engineering with specialization in structures (1971) at the University of Calgary.
His career began in 1971 when he joined Ricketts Evers Barrass Simpson Ltd. In 1993 the firm, then known as Simpson Lester Goodrich, became part of Stantec Consulting Ltd. of which Lester was executive vice-president prior to his retirement in 2006. Recognized as a specialist in bridge design, Lester led Stantec's engineering team on the Confederation Bridge from P.E.I. to New Brunswick, from 1993-97.
His style is imprinted on a variety of structures throughout Calgary, including the Olympic Oval venue for the 1988 Olympic Winter Games. His design of the Olympic Oval received the distinguished Schreyer Award from the Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada in 1987. Lester's firm became the first ever two-time winner of the same award in 1997 for the ConfederationBridge.
Lester has been a member of APEGGA since 1971 and has contributed service in many capacities throughout the years as a councillor and member of the practice standards, discipline and executive committees. He was president in 1992-93 and awarded an Honorary Life Membership in 1993. He is past-president of the Consulting Engineers of Alberta (1995-96) and was a director of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada (1997-2001).
In 1998 Lester was made a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and a fellow of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering. In 2009, he was named a fellow of Engineers Canada and in 2013, he was named an honorary fellow of Geoscientists Canada.
Lester has delivered numerous lectures and papers on the subjects of structural engineering, the design process and on professional engineering, environment and ethical matters. He is currently semi-retired and lives in Calgary.