APEGA regulates engineering and geoscience

Our main regulatory function is licensing individuals and companies that want to practise engineering and geoscience in Alberta.

Learn who we are


  • Discipline Decisions & Orders

    APEGA publishes discipline decisions and recommended discipline orders resulting from unprofessional conduct or unskilled practice by registrants.
  • Standards, Bulletins, and Guidelines

    APEGA's practice standards, bulletins, and guidelines explain the roles and responsibilities of professional members.
  • APEGA Annual Report

    Each spring, prior to the annual general meeting, APEGA produces a report of its activities, statistics, and finances, which it submits to the Government of Alberta.
  • Professional Practice Management Plan (PPMP)

    Enforceable as of May 1, 2023, this practice standard outlines the required parts of an APEGA permit holder's PPMP.
  • Continuing Professional Development

    This mandatory program ensures the health, safety, and welfare of the public by requiring that professionals engage in lifelong learning on an annual basis.
  • Good Standing

    Learn about APEGA's criteria for determining whether members and permit holders are considered in good standing.


