Complaints Against Unlicensed Individuals & Companies

APEGA regulates the practices of engineering and geoscience in Alberta through the Engineering and Geoscience Professions (EGP) Act. Individuals and organizations must be licensed by APEGA to provide engineering and/or geoscience services in Alberta.

Members and the public can make a complaint against unlicensed individuals and companies that are providing engineering and/or geoscience services.

Submit a complaint

Examples of Common Compliance Infractions

  • Mr. John Doe hands you an Alberta-based business card that identifies him as an electrical engineer, but he is not an APEGA member.
  • A company advertises that it provides geoscience services in Alberta, but it does not have a professional geoscientist on staff and does not hold an APEGA permit to practice.
  • An Alberta company named Jane Doe’s Engineering Corporation does have a professional member on staff, but it does not hold a permit to practice from APEGA.
  • An engineer who is licensed in Ontario uses her P.Eng. designation in her job title in Alberta, but she has not transferred her membership to APEGA.

Complaint Process

APEGA’s Unlicensed Practice department contacts those who are in contravention of the EGP Act. Typically, these are unlicensed individuals, companies, or entities that are:

  • using reserved titles
  • representing themselves with the right to practise engineering and/or geoscience
  • practising engineering and/or geoscience in Alberta

An investigation begins when APEGA becomes aware of a potential infraction. All cases are handled confidentially and objectively. Complaints can be filed anonymously.

APEGA carefully reviews all reported infractions and follows a transparent process to ensure due diligence and impartial investigations. If sufficient evidence is found, APEGA opens a case file and uses the following process.

  1. APEGA contacts the person or company by phone or email to explain the infraction, the evidence, and what is needed to come into compliance. We then send a letter to the person or company summarizing the conversation and requirements.
  2. The person or company is provided with sufficient time to come into compliance. Some of the ways to come into compliance include:
    • applying for an APEGA licence or permit
    • correcting any public information that implies practising engineering and/or geoscience
    • ceasing to practise
    • changing a company name so it does not use reserved titles
    • changing a job title so it does not use reserved titles or designations
  3. If the person or company does not comply, APEGA sends the information to Council for review.
  4. If deemed necessary, Council will authorize APEGA to take legal action, and a court order will be requested from the Court of King's Bench of Alberta.

APEGA processes about 500 cases per year. Most individuals and companies are unaware that they are contravening the Act. Once informed, they are usually quick to correct the situation. Most cases are resolved without legal action.