APEGA members vote in support of Council nominations bylaw amendments

Following a member motion passed at the 2019 annual general meeting and after more than two years of research, consultation, and member engagement, APEGA members voted electronically from November 16–23 on proposed bylaw amendments related to the Council nomination process.

The certified results of this electronic vote show APEGA members are in favour of the proposed bylaw amendments to the Council nomination process.

  • Almost 89 per cent of votes cast supported the bylaw amendments.
  • Nearly eight per cent of APEGA’s eligible voting members participated in this vote—more than 4,200 licensed professionals.

What are these bylaw amendments for?

The bylaw amendments will support the development of a nomination process that addresses Council’s need to consistently attract nominees with the competencies and experience required to fulfil Council’s mandate to oversee the regulation of the engineering and geoscience professions in Alberta.

These changes are designed to ensure the full transparency of the nomination process, proactively attract a diverse pool of potential nominees, and fully support individuals interested in running for Council. They are consistent with best practices and trends in professional regulation, which emphasize that the role of a professional organization regulator is to carry out its activities and govern its regulated members in a manner that protects and serves the public interest.

These bylaw amendments will be in effect for the 2022 nomination process to identify candidates for the 2023 Council election. Further information and next steps will be outlined in early 2022 when available.

For more information and background on the Council nominations bylaw vote, please visit apega.ca/NominationsBylawVote.

Read the updated bylaws

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