Are you ready to rock?
The APEGA Rock & Fossil Clinic was held on October 16 and 23, 2021. Registrants joined us from the comfort of their homes to explore the wonders of geoscience – virtually! Geoscientists and Earth Science students shared their knowledge and lead attendees through hands-on activities.
Exploring the riverbank with a professional geoscientist
Keith Diakiw, P.Geo., recently spent the afternoon with some lucky little ones discovering rocks and minerals along the North Saskatchewan River. They found pink granite, sandstone, schist, petrified wood and even a dinosaur bone.
Read more about their adventures
Keith gave us a few rock-hunting tips for those who want to go out exploring.
- First, try to figure out which family of rocks your find belongs to. The larger the rock specimen, the easier to tell what it is.
- In a safe manner, wet your rock sample with river water to better see the colour(s), crystal(s), and feature(s) pop out.
- Nature has many treasures besides rocks and minerals! Be on the lookout for interesting finds like driftwood that was gnawed on by beavers.
- Respect Mother Earth by caring for the land you’re on. Leave only footprints.
- Get out and geo-explore, you never know what you’re going to find!
Do you have a child interested in learning more about Mother Earth?