APEGA Councillor Steps Down
Melanie Popp, P.Eng., has resigned as an APEGA Councillor after accepting a senior management role with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Canada—the official auditor for APEGA. Popp stepping down from her councillor duties ensures no conflict of interest.
Popp has been a valued member of Council. Her engaging and positive spirit, along with her insightful commentary, will be missed. Although we are sad to see her leave, we wish her all the best in her new role.
When a vacancy occurs midterm, APEGA Council has the mandate to appoint a replacement. Council selected Wally Kozak, P.Eng., to fill the vacancy until the 2022 election. Kozak’s previous experience as an APEGA Councillor (2018-2021 term), as well as having been on the Audit Committee and Policy and Standards Task Force, ensures a smooth transition.