APEGA offices remain closed to the public

Hello everyone,
COVID-19 is still with us and looks like it will be around for some time to come. Back in March, when APEGA first started working on a plan to support our members during the pandemic, we hoped we would soon be past the worst of it—but prepared for the long term, just in case.
As we head into the fall season, APEGA offices in Edmonton and Calgary remain closed to the public, but our work as a regulator continues. Members and permit holders can still contact staff by phone and email, and our website remains the best source for the most up-to-date information.
In our update from May 7, 2020, we outlined the measures that APEGA was taking to help support our members and permit holders during the crisis. At that time, any cancellation of permits for non-payment of dues was put on hold until October 2020. This date has now been extended to March 14, 2021. In addition, we have extended the deadline for permit holders to apply for a dues deferral until March 14, 2021.
It is your responsibility as a member or permit holder to ensure your licence to practise remains current and in good standing, so please be sure to log in to the Member Self-Service Centre and verify the due date of your membership renewal.
While we remain closed to the public, APEGA has begun to slowly reintegrate our Edmonton staff back into the office. The safety of our staff is our top priority, and we are taking every precaution to ensure the return to the office is sustainable and measured.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this tough time as APEGA continues our work to regulate the professions and safeguard the public welfare.
Jay Nagendran, P.Eng., FCAE, ICD.D, FEC, FGC (Hon.)
Registrar & CEO