APEGA celebrates a century of service to Alberta

As the largest association of self-regulated professionals in Western Canada, the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) is proud to celebrate a century well built.
The sector has undergone significant changes and growth over the last century, and APEGA has been at the forefront of this innovation. From developing important breakthroughs in Alberta’s energy sector to designing, constructing and maintaining
major infrastructure projects, our members have been vital to the growth of our province.
“Since 1920, APEGA members have played an incredibly important role in building the province we know today,” said Jay Nagendran, Registrar and CEO of APEGA. “We remain committed to working with our stakeholders and government partners
to ensure we uphold public safety and environmental, economic and social standards that Albertans deserve and expect for 100 more years to come.”
As part of APEGA’s centennial celebration, events will take place around Alberta throughout 2020. For more information visit www.discoverapega.ca.