Members Win Seats on Municipal Councils

APEGA encourages Professional Members to leverage their skills, ethics, and expertise in public office. Doing just that are eight Members who won seats in Alberta's municipal elections, October 16, and we congratulate them on their achievement.
"Our wish is that many others will follow their example in future elections – at every level," said APEGA Registrar & CEO Jay Nagendran, P.Eng.
"Governments in Canada face new and ever-evolving challenges," he continued. "How are we addressing the infrastructure deficit? How do we balance an oil economy with the growing green economy and climate change? How do we make sure applied science and scientific principles are represented in the public conscience and governmental budgets? Our Members add tremendous value to these discussions and many, many others."
Perhaps the highest profile Professional Engineer in public office is the Honourable Marc Garneau (P.Eng.-NS), Canada's Minister of Transport. He is the first Canadian astronaut ever to go into space. In the country's top appointed position is another former astronaut: the Governor General of Canada is Julie Payette (ing.-QC). Like Mr. Garneau, she's also been to space.
The Honourable Nick Taylor, P.Geol., an APEGA Life Member, had a long and distinguished career in politics. He's a former senator and a former leader of the Alberta Liberal Party.
APEGA Members Elected October 16
Mayor Michael Doerksen, P.Geo., Drayton Valley
Councillor Gavin Bates, P.Eng., Town of Innisfail (Incumbent)
Councillor Tim Cartmell, P.Eng., City of Edmonton
Councillor Elizabeth Grace, P.Geo., Town of Crossfield
Councillor David Ofrim, P.Eng., City of Camrose (Incumbent)
Councillor Barry Redel, P.Eng., Alberta Special Areas
Councillor Jason Shewchuk, P.Eng., Village of Spring Lake (Incumbent)
Councillor John Vandermeer, P.Eng., Clearwater County (Incumbent)
On the National Stage
Perhaps the highest profile Professional Engineer in elected public office is the Honourable Marc Garneau (P.Eng.-NS), Canada's Minister of Transport. He is the first Canadian astronaut ever to go into space. In the country's top appointed position is another former astronaut: Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette (ing.-QC), the Governor General of Canada. Like Mr. Garneau, she's also been to space.
The Honourable Nick Taylor, P.Geol., an APEGA Life Member, had a long and distinguished career in politics. He's a former senator and a former leader of the Alberta Liberal Party.