New Permit Dues Schedule Takes Effect July 1

APEGA has traditionally used a one-size-fits-all dues schedule for Permit Holders. That changes this summer with the launch of the first phase of a new permit dues schedule — one that better reflects the distribution of APEGA's costs.

Under the new schedule, Permit Holder dues increase with the size of the company, as measured by the number of APEGA members employed as per APEGA's permit file.

There are two launch dates for the new schedule. Effective July 1, 2017, Permit Holders employing six or more Members will pay dues using the new schedule. For those employing five or fewer Members, the effective date is a year later, July 1, 2018. This staggered approach is designed to give smaller companies more time to prepare.

The new rate structure is a more equitable reflection of the costs required to regulate Permit Holders. Member dues are still APEGA's main source of revenue.

The Permit Holder dues formula is $500 times the square root of the number of registered APEGA members employed. Types of Members used in the calculation are Professional Members, Licensees, Professional Licensees, restricted practitioners, Provisional Licensees, Members-in-Training, and exam candidates.

Under the formula, a Permit Holder with 15 member employees would pay $1,936.49 plus GST. A Permit Holder with 200 Member employees would pay $7,071.07 plus GST. Previously, each Permit Holder paid $500 plus GST in annual dues, regardless of the Member employee count.

A dues estimator appears in the upgraded Company Self-Service Centre.

To keep dues increases as low as possible, APEGA has restructured operations, frozen staff salaries for the second consecutive year, and has put in place cost-cutting measures that include the elimination of the print version of The PEG magazine.


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