Webinar | Advances in Non-Intrusive Isolation Technology: Piggable Valves for Efficient Pipeline Maintenance
Existing onshore pipelines often require scheduled maintenance and repair activities, which can be disruptive and time-consuming using traditional isolation methods. However, advances in non-intrusive isolation technology, specifically "piggable valve" systems, are providing pipeline operators with a more efficient and environmentally friendly approach.
Learning objectives
- how piggable valve technologies work to isolate sections of the pipeline for maintenance
- the significant time and cost savings achieved compared to conventional isolation methods
- reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and environmental impact during maintenance activities
- finite element (FE) modeling and parametric studies to optimize piggable valve design
real-world case studies demonstrating the successful implementation of dual isolation plug systems
This session will be held through ON24.
For any questions about this event, please contact [email protected].
About the speaker 
Ole Yin, P.Eng., is a senior pipeline integrity and operations engineer at TC Energy with 30 years' experience as a mechanical engineer working on onshore and offshore pipeline industries. While leading a two-year pilot project to explore emission reduction options across TC Energy's North American pipeline network, Ole is also an active member of the CSA Materials Technical Subcommittee, 6S Subcommittee, American Petroleum Institute, Field Operations Subcommittee, and American Gas Association. Ole was the recipient of the 2024 APEGA Summit Environment & Sustainability Award.